Saturday, May 8, 2010


My co-worker reads my blog, and she said to me the other day, "All you do is talk about the negative stuff." That comment took me aback a little. This blog is meant to be an outlet for me. A way to vent some frustration. A way to express what I'm feeling, and know that other moms feel the same way, and have gone through the same thing. I don't want Sutton to read my blog entries one day, and think that I always trash-talk him.

So, in honor of Mother's day tomorrow, here are a few of the things that I love most about my little button.
1. How he loves our dog Auggie. He always calls for him, and wants to hug and kiss him. It's cute to watch them lying side by side on the rug together.
2. His developing language. I love to hear him mimic what we say. As he was eating his dinner tonight, he yelled "Auggie, eat your kibble!" Of course, in his language, all I could really hear was "Auggie....kibble!" But I could put the rest together.
3. His passion for electronics. This started from an early age. He has always loved remotes, and stuff like that. At about one year old, he could turn on our DVD player by himself. Today, he turned on Tivo, and selected the show that he wanted to watch. Dave and I just stand there with our mouths open.
4. His little face.
5. His smile.
6. His sense of humor. He cracks me up sometimes, with his silliness.
7. How cute he is with his little friends at school. He runs down the hall to see them, yelling "C'mon Mom! Let's go!"
8. How he LOVES to watch movies and snuggle in our bed. He climbs up, and covers himself with the covers. Then he leans back with his hands behind his head, and waits for us to start the show. So stinkin' cute.
9. How crazy he is about my mom. When she walks in the house, he's so excited to see her. He yells "Bubbie!" And he constantly asks me, "Mom? Where Bubbie?"
10. His love for his duckie and blankie. It's adorable to see how these items comfort him. He rubs his face in the duck, and that's how I know he is tired.

Of course there are lots more things that I love about my boy, but those are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!


  1. Happy Mother's Day Cory! And give that sweet little boy an extra hug from me. I hope you have a wonderful day!
